Sales Tips

How vectors can help your business (free download)

How vectors can help your business (free download)

Designing material and content that your customers will actually read can be tricky. 

But there is a trick!

Humans are over 60% more likely to remember information when it’s paired with good visuals.

One of the most effective components of digital design is vector art.

But let’s be honest, which tent rental company is going to pay for vectors?

Well you’ll be happy to know that you won’t have to pay.

Because we are super nice you can find a free download link at the bottom of this article.

5 ways vectors can be used to help your business.

1. Email Marketing:

Chance’s are the images you have taken or the ones you have downloaded from Facebook won’t look great when copied and pasted onto an email.

The images will either be way too large or of poor quality.

Resulting in slow-loading and rubbish looking emails.

Vectors are designed for the web.

Making the files perfect for email marketing!

Pro Tip: check out mailchimp - this easy to use marketing tool will help you send awesome marketing emails to your customers.

2. Web Design

Having difficulties finding enough images to make your website look amazing? 

Try using the vectors.

Vector art can help your website stand out with a fresh design and modern look.

3. Important docs such as T&C’s

Let’s face it, most customers are reluctant to read important material such as public liability forms, T&C’s, health and safety etc. 

Vectors will break up the text-heavy documents and (hopefully) help your customers read till the end.

4. Adverts

Chances are if you're using Facebook or Instagram ads, your competitors will be too!

But I can bet they won’t be using high-quality vectors.

Test it and see if your ads perform better using a combination of vectors and images.

5. Swag!

Give your staff a stylish but professional get-up by printing the vectors on staff clothing. 

Vectors print in HD!

Download the free vectors

Click here to download the free vector.

Marquee Tech

By the way, we'd be proud to be your go-to tent rental software and should you decide to give Marquee Tech a go, you can start for free by clicking here.

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